My “Content” (I hate this word) moving forward as of february 2024

TLDR: Please follow and support me on my new blog. Planning to open paid subs on it. I also stream on YouTube. And I’m not giving up on my dream to find game/anime/jp media writer jobs where I’m not gaslighted not underpaid and not forced to write trash.

Long version:

There’s still a lot of Pretty Series interviews and events I want to translate/talk about, I never covered any of the talk shows, events etc since Kinpri SSS aired. But I think this blog will stay on hiatus till I find some stable income.

However I will try to make articles for major announcements. For example, I want to make a big article to share my thoughts on Himitsu no AiPri, analyze the staff (it has a different producer, CG director and sound director than all Pretty Series so far) etc. I already started writing it but I’m not sure when/if I’ll finish.

A lot of friends I met online who supported me for over 10 years now really appreciate my Pretty Series writing too so I want to thank them by writing more. Like Mandi, chibi tech, Zamzeed, Siveruu, Amane, MariaKIII, Sakuramochi, and more people I’m forgetting. There’s a lot of online friends who support me in general too like Nanoka, Husard, Neon, etc.

But yeah I can only write on this blog if I’m sure I’m not “wasting” time. I don’t regret the 13+ years I spent writing on this blog. It’s what helped me find a real writing job and actually earn money. But I need to focus more on getting stable money before focusing on personal projects like this.

I started working as a game journalist in 2018 on an USA site. All the things I used to write about on this blog: Super Robot Wars, 07th Expansion stuff, Urobuchi stuff, Vanillaware stuff, seiyuu industry stuff, otaku culture in general etc. I tried to write about it there. Starting 2019 I was in an editorial position so I had a lot of freedom on what to cover. It was far from perfect though. I can’t go into details but many factors were still out of my hands. And it was hard to be motivated with so little pay. Because of all that, I’d often do stupid mistakes or mistranslations. I’m not beating myself over it though and it’s bound to happen when you’re the sole person speaking Japanese, with no one to double-check.

Everything changed when the site I worked on got bought out in early 2021. For the first time ever I was paid enough to pay the bills, but I was mainly forced to write SEO stuff on popular games and anime. Genshin, Kimetsu, Elden Ring, etc. Had to follow certain rules which also included having extremely stupid, sometimes grammatically incorrect headlines. The quality of my writing heavily dropped. I can’t go into details but a lot of stuff happened and it was extremely stressful so I ended up burning out and quitting in late 2022. I spent most of 2023 trying to get out of burn-out, but I was also extremely busy because a lot of things happened.

I feel much better now so I restarted writing “professionally” with a new blog. There’s a ton of articles and projects I started in 2023 I hope I’ll be able to publish soon inchallah.

I also stream on YouTube.

Anywhere I write, expect me to bring up “POLITICS” and Palestine and never shut up about oppressed people.

if you’re rich you can also support me on Ko-fi.

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